What clothing is appropriate for a stay in the UAE - Dress code?

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Published: 20.10.2021
  • The Emirates, and Dubai in particular, has a dress code for many occasions - a prescribed type of clothing.
  • All offices in the UAE and also most good business places expect what is called Official Business or Business Casual Dress Code - this is a suit, possibly jeans with a shirt or collared shirt and long sleeves, possibly a jacket, closed shoes - in any case long trousers. For women it is then suits, dresses (not strapless and no more than 10 cm above the knee) or long trousers and a top (not sheer, not strapless and no necklines) or jacket.
  • If you violate this Dress Code, you may not be allowed in the building or at the event.
  • In public places in the UAE such as streets, department stores and restaurants, pants, shorts, dresses or skirts must be of a reasonable length. It should not be anything too revealing (not just below the bum, high necklines etc). But the Emirates and Dubai in particular are very open and benevolent, so you don't need to worry.
  • In addition, in the UAE, clothing must not indecently expose body parts, be see-through or display obscene or offensive images and slogans.
  • Going to the beach - men and women - also matters if you are going to a public or private beach. Private beaches tend to be more benevolent, for example with regard to so-called thong or high-necked swimsuits. On public beaches, you should avoid too small swimsuits. But regular bikinis for women are perfectly acceptable.
  • Off the beach, you are not allowed to wear a swimsuit in the UAE (except on hotel beaches). Therefore, if you leave the beach, you need to wear a t-shirt or tank top for men and a dress or shorts and a t-shirt for women, for example.
  • Nudity in public is strictly forbidden in the UAE and can be punishable by deportation and fines in extreme cases.
  • Please note that customs and standards in this regard vary considerably from emirate to emirate.
  • Dubai is very liberal, please still respect the local culture and customs.
  • Neighbouring Sharjah, on the other hand, is the most conservative emirate, where alcohol and shisha (shisha pipe) smoking is even banned in public and in hotels.